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Incluude Digital Asset Licence Agreement

“Digital Assets” refers to incluude-provided files such as Cultural Profile PDF’s, infographics, reference materials and any other digital resources. Digital Assets cannot be used for any other purpose than for which they were provided. You cannot distribute Digital Assets on a stand-alone basis (i.e., in circumstances in which the Digital Assets constitute the primary value of the product being distributed), and you cannot claim any rights in the Digital Assets.

The licence associated with our digital assets are granted to the associated user that initiated the initial purchase (i.e., each Cultural Profile PDF is licensed to one user and one user only). Our fair use policy allows for distribution/use within your organisation to other employees only. All digital assets are subject to compliance with our Terms and Conditions in addition to the applicable law that may govern use of our digital assets.

We (and our licensors) remain the sole owner of all right, title, and interest in the Services or Software. We do not grant you any rights to patents, copyrights, trade secrets, trademarks, or any other rights in respect to the items in the Services or Software. We reserve all rights not granted under the Terms and Conditions.

Use of and support for incluude digital assets requires any active paid Subscription (i.e. any plan above the Free Plan) or an exclusive direct purchase receipt.

Users are not allowed to sell our digital assets under any circumstance.